Adriana McElwain/CASA
of the eastern traveling shrine, are the center point of Anne Luther's
new collection of assemblage work titled Sacred Journals, on
view at the Frameworks, Caruso Woods Fine Art Gallery through January.
While not a traditional altered book, each piece opens in a book-like
manner revealing a collaged interior. The covers are made of metal,
wood, or leather, and embellished with an array of hand-made beads,
ceramic pieces, or vintage found objects. "Sacred Journals are
an invitation to the viewer to bring his r her own experience to the
artwork, to dream, think and wonder, to experience the mystery and the
Anne explained.
The individual works
are intended to sit on a table or desk, rather than hang on a wall.
These meditative pieces were partly inspired by Anne's interest in spirituality
and Zen Buddhism. Rather than hanging the art on a wall, the small tactile
object can be held, creating a more intimate relationship with the owner.
Although these journals
are not traditional books, they symbolize a recorded journey of growth
and self discovery. "I have been writing in a journal since the
age of nine," Anne shared. "Later in life it served as a record
of my spiritual path to self actualization... It keeps track and helps
you remember where you have been.
Anne has been creating
assemblage work for the past five years. Although she was an oil painter
for many years, she opted for a medium change shortly after moving to
Santa Barbara.

Like many other artists in Santa Barbara, Anne came here with a desire
to paint landscapes. "I became very frustrated with my work when
comparing my landscapes to others," Anne shared. "I saw nothing
new, fresh, or different... One of my teachers suggested that I change
mediums for a short time." Anne enrolled in a collage class and
instantly knew she had found a new passion. "Collage is like painting
with paper for me... I lay my paper out like a palette when I create
something," she explained.
Since childhood, Anne
has been fond of collecting things. She would collect bits and pieces
of remnant objects cast away by people... ceramic remains of a shattered
doll, broken jewelry, nick-knacks, and trinkets. This early love for
collecting led to a career as an antique dealer. Searching through flea
markets, garage sales, and street markets, Anne is fascinated by vintage
items and the stories they tell of a pervious life. "A lot of what
I do is channeled... given to me," the artist explained. "I
don't sketch my pieces out. I go into the studio, move the pieces around
until the individual items begin to have a relationship."