Art Dolls

Anne Luther Art Dolls Artist Statement

A collection of dolls commissioned for the Girls Inc of Greater Santa Barbara Art Doll Project


I have an extensive collection of antique letters and papers which I use in my art collages. For this piece, I found a hand written poem from 1898. One line from that poem was my inspiration for this piece and I collaged it onto the base. “With rushing sound they onward leap but still they safely ride” My interpretation of this line is as if it were a message to young women today. Go out and be bold, have an adventure, stretch your boundaries and you will be safe, you have yourself to rely on.
This piece represents the complexities of a woman’s life, hidden by the outer distractions of fashion. I cut away her silk evening dress so we can have a peak at the symbols of world; travel, literature, family, nature, art, endless to do lists, and of course a great pair of shoes. I intentionally avoided adding hair, the cause of so many traumas in a women’s life. Instead, I painted onto her head a map of her brain. In this way we can once again observe her inner workings; sections of her brain devoted to being strong, smart and bold; to love, humor, science, dance and chocolate. She represents all women. She supports the universe while multitasking.

Bill of Rights

This doll is a person first and a female second. She resists the pressure of sex-stereotyped ways. She takes risks, strives freely and takes pride in success. She enjoys the body she was born with. She is original and free of doubt despite the fact that she looks like no other doll in the universe!

Anne Luther Signature
November, 2007